Wednesday, July 30, 2014


(Here is the tree i planted in 1989 when it had flowered) While I was growing up most people thought I would be an agriculturalist, because I loved planting fruits and trees, I would take good care of them till they grow up. I planted avocados, palm trees, passion fruits, oranges, nefle, mangoes, eucalyptus, cypress etc. the avocado I planted in 1989 is still baring fruits up to now; people say it has be best test I remember my late father used not to eat avocado but from my fruits he started eating, he described it as the best avocado he had ever tested.
(Some of the fruits got from the above tree)While I was in the village yesterday I was impressed to find lots of avocados from my own trees; I did not climb the tree but collected the fruits that fell by themselves, I got so much that I could not Cary all on a motorcycle. The spirit of planting fruits still lives in me, I strongly believe in planting trees that I will either bear fruits or mature into timber. In my compound I have planting several fruits ranging from brother heart, berry, mangos, guava, avocado, oranges, lemon, paw paw, jackfruits etc then other trees which will mature for timber include mahogany, teak, mbeni and neem etc. I believe in the next five years I live in a forest.
(Here is my current home, full of trees) Threes make me so happy especially when I hear birds singing sweetly on them. Every morning when I wake up and look at them or when I seat in their shade during hot and sunny days I feel great, they also provide fresh air that is good for human health.

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